Ever since the M1 was announced, I’ve been curious how well Apple’s new Mac mini would perform for our CI system. A few days ago, we finally got access to two M1 Mac minis hosted on MacStadium (8-core M1, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD, 1 GbE).
The Geekbench Score is 1705/7379 vs. 1100/5465, so the promise is more than 30 percent increased performance — even more so for single-threaded operations. Linking and code-signing are tasks Apple hasn’t yet parallelized, so single-core performance is a significant factor for CI performance.
A recap: We run a raw Mac mini setup (6-core 3.2 GHz, 64 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 10Gbs). If you’re interested, I explored the tradeoffs between virtualization and bare metal on the PSPDFKit blog.
Automization Woes
We’re using Cinc (the open source binary package of Chef) and Knife-Zero to automate the setup process for new nodes. It does everything from creating a CI user with an APFS-encrypted drive and configuring firewall rules, to installing dependencies like ccache for faster compiling and Ruby for scripting, and installing Xcode and required Simulators. After a few hours, setup is complete and the machine automatically registers itself on Buildkite as a new agent.
There’s a detailed article coming next in our Continuous Integration for Small iOS/macOS Teams series, and it goes into more detail on this setup. Of course, there have been a few issues we encountered along the way to get the automation to work with Apple Silicon.
Installing Rosetta 2
The first thing you’ll need to do on the new machines is install Rosetta to enable Intel emulation. This is curiously not the default in Big Sur, but it only takes a few seconds via the terminal:
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Cinc for Darwin/ARM
There’s no Chef or Cinc release for Apple Silicon yet, which is both a blessing and a curse. It does make CI easier, since the Cinc client will run in x64 emulation mode, so anything it installs will also default to x64, which is slower but generally works.
Since the install script does platform detection, it’ll fail with an error, as there’s no binary for Cinc available yet. To work around this, modify the chef_full.erb
script in the knife gem and add arch -x86_64
before the sh $tmp_dir/install.sh
part. This will ensure the script detects Intel architecture and will download the client.
Careful: The Chef/Cinc situation is tricky. Don’t mindlessly update the gems, as Chef is faster in releasing binaries and overriding all your Cinc binaries, and then nothing works anymore unless you insert dollars or manually remove all Chef gems. There’s also a messy randomness to what is renamed “cinc” and what is “chef.”
APFS Containers
We automate diskutil
to create a new encrypted volume for the CI user. This ensures our source code is always encrypted. If hardware is replaced, the data is useless. We manually enter the disk password on a power cycle or when the OS reboots because of an update.
On Apple Silicon, the main APFS container is disk3
and not disk1
. Currently, this change is hardcoded; eventually I’ll modify the script to parse diskutil list
to detect the container automatically. It took me quite a while to understand why Cinc stopped with “Error: -69493: You can’t add any more APFS Volumes to its APFS Container.” I mention it here so there’s at least one result on Google with this error. 🙃
Detecting Apple Silicon via Scripts
We use Buildkite as our CI agent, and it recently released 3.26.0 with an experimental native executable for Apple Silicon. It’s running on a prerelease version of Go, but so far, it’s been stable.
There is no universal build, so the download script needs adjustment. To not hardcode this, I’ve been using a trick to detect the real architecture at runtime, since the script runs in Rosetta emulation mode and the usual ways would all report Intel.
Here’s the full block for Ruby. The interesting part is sysctl -in sysctl.proc_translated
. It returns 0
if you run on arm, 1
if you run on Rosetta 2, and NOTHING if you run on an Intel Mac. Everything else is a dance to get the shell output back into Chef-flavored Ruby:
action_class do
def download_url
#tricky way to load this Chef::Mixin::ShellOut utilities
Chef::Resource::RubyBlock.send(:include, Chef::Mixin::ShellOut)
command = 'sysctl -in sysctl.proc_translated'
command_out = shell_out(command)
architecture = command_out.stdout == "" ? 'amd64' : 'arm64'
platform = ['mac_os_x', 'macos'].include?(node['platform']) ? 'darwin' : 'linux'
The best part: This will still work, even if we later switch to Cinc binaries that are native arm.
Xcode Troubles
I experimented with using the “Release Candidate” of Xcode 12.3 as the main Xcode version, but there’s currently a bug that prevents installing any non-bundled simulators (we still support iOS 12 in our iOS PDF SDK), which caused Cinc to stop with an error). For now, we’re sticking with Xcode 12.2 in hopes that Apple fixes this soon. I assume this is a server-side error, so it shouldn’t be hard to fix.
There’s a promising fix in Xcode 12.3 for “improved responsiveness of macOS mouse and keyboard events while under heavy load, such as when building a large project while running Simulator,” and a fix for random lockups of the CoreSimulator service, so I’m itching to upgrade as soon as possible.
Update: Apple fixed this issue server-side; the list is loading now.
Test Troubles
Some features in our iOS PDF SDK use WKWebView
, e.g. Reader View, which reflows PDFs so they’re easier to read on mobile devices. These tests crash with a memory allocator error on Big Sur.
If you see bmalloc::HeapConstants::HeapConstants
in a crash stack trace, that’s likely this bug. While my radar has no reply yet, I’ve heard this is a bug in Big Sur and requires an OS update to be fixed, so this will potentially be resolved in 10.2 some time in Q1 2021.
I’ve currently worked around this by detecting Rosetta at runtime and then skipping any tests that call into WebKit by using this snippet to detect execution state:
/// Test if the process runs natively or under Rosetta
/// https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/652667?answerId=618217022&page=1#622923022
private func processIsTranslated() -> Int32 {
let key = "sysctl.proc_translated"
var ret = Int32(0)
var size: Int = 0
sysctlbyname(key, nil, &size, nil, 0)
let result = sysctlbyname(key, &ret, &size, nil, 0)
if result == -1 {
if errno == ENOENT {
return 0
return -1
return ret
Memory Is Tight
We’ve been running six parallel instances of our tests (one per core) on Intel via the -parallel-testing-worker-count
option. To make things work well for the M1 chip, I reduced the workload to four instances. There are really only four fast cores and four low-power cores, the latter of which perform badly and cause various issues with timeouts in tests. The machine also starts swapping too much memory, as the 16 GB isn’t all that much. Reducing the number to four seems to be the best solution to both more predictable and faster tests.
Breaking Out of Rosetta
Even though our Buildkite agent runs natively, I missed that Cinc installs an Intel version of Ruby (via asdf
), and we use Ruby to script CI and parse test results. The Intel Ruby kicks off xcodebuild
, which then also runs in emulation mode because we’re already in an emulation context.
I’ve tried switching to ARM-based Ruby. The latest version, 2.7.2, does support compiling to ARM, but there are still many gems that use native dependencies that haven’t been updated yet. Realistically, it’ll take a while before we can switch to native Ruby there.
Luckily, there’s a way to break out: I’ve been prefixing the xcodebuild
command with arch -arm64e
to enforce the native context. This is currently hardcoded in a branch, and I’ll use a similar trick to detect the native architecture as in the Ruby script above. Sadly, there’s no arch -native
command that would do this for us.
This is important! Performance is really terrible if Clang runs in Intel-emulation mode.
launchctl Weirdness
I’ve encountered a few other weird issues. launchctl
changed a bit in Big Sur and now throws “Bootstrap failed: 125: Unknown error: 125” or “Load error 5: input/output error” if the service is already running. This again had no Google results, so it took some time to understand. Sometimes it would also write “Disk I/O error 5 or Load error 5: input/output error,” which caused me to request a complete reset of the machine with MacStadium, only to see the same error again many hours later.
In our case, the fix was to explicitly unload the Buildkite service before registering it again — this has only shown up since the automation script stopped halfway due to my various tweaks. It’s also important that you’re logged in as the user you’re registering the service for (via screen sharing).
The M1 runs our tests around 10 percent faster on iOS 14. Tests on older versions of iOS are around 30 to 70 percent slower, since the Simulator runs via Rosetta’s emulation mode. Results range from 7–9 minutes vs. 5 minutes on Intel.
I’ve also seen Rosetta bugs in the logs, which caused tests to fail. Twitter birds tell me that Big Sur 11.1 comes with many fixes to Rosetta, so this seems like a transitionary issue.
The new machines are marginally cheaper to host ($129/month vs. $159/month on MacStadium), but they’re still only on limited availability (we only got two even though we ordered five) and software is still experimental. There are currently more problems than benefits in updating your fleet to M1, especially if you need to support versions below iOS 14.
My Twitter research thread contains a few more details, along with a glimpse at various stages of frustration and delight. Follow me if you enjoy such stories.
PS: The header graphic isn’t broken; it’s a random VNC corruption, and I rolled with it.
Update: We decided to keep the M1s after all, since we found two valid bugs in our codebase that only happen on arm64. This is a valid reason to deal with the current difficulties in setup.